搾りたての粕は、お豆腐のように自然な白色をしています。The color of fresh Sake is natural while like tofu. Though sometimes it is slightly amber colored just like Sake originally was.
Since the picture was taken after orisage (the bottles were left to stand in refrigerator for 2 days), the sediments called “滓(ori)” precipitated in the bottom and the upper part became clear.
MiCURAでは、いろんな搾り方を実験し、エントリーモデルであるMiCURA Kotohajime Ver1.1 では、鑑評会出品酒など高級酒に用いられる「袋吊り」を自家醸造向けにアレンジした搾り方を採用しました。
In home brewing, we take various means utilizing limited facility.
Especially in the pressing process, some creativity is required.
The middle part is called Nakadori(中取り).
This part has an excellent balance of aroma and flavor so the part is often chosen for contest Sake.