現在のMiCURA Kotohajime は、淡麗な味わいの吟醸酒(精米歩合60%) に仕上がる仕込み配合になっています。
With current recipe of MiCURA Kotohajime, Sake is produced to be crisp and light Ginjo (rice polishing ratio is 60%).
“Honestly I wasn’t really expecting the quality… you know it’s home brewing. But when I pressed the Sake, I was like WOAH!! It totally brew my mind. It was so good !! “
I got a lot of comments from MiCURA members like this, which made me feel honored to be the developer.
Also my desire that I want to have the members brew more delicious Sake became stronger.
I’ve been testing different brewing recipes over and over again and actually the recipe(formulation) has been slightly changed 3 times since its launch.
It’s very interesting to continue improving the quality of a Sake, But I also came to want to make different type of Sake.
I also thought about changing the yeast and rice (type/ rice polishing ratio), which are the 2 key factors to decide the taste of Sake, but this time, I fixed these two elements intentionally while changing the formulation (the ratios of koji, kake-rice and water) to see how the taste would be different.
I thought comparing how Sake would be different by changing the formulation could be wonderful experience for our customers.
That is, I named the original(slightly different from the very first one though) as “Crisp” and developed another formulation one called “Mellow”.
I named light and crisp one, so called 淡麗(tanrei), as “Crisp” and plump and fullbody one, so called “濃醇(no-jun)”, as “Mellow” because it doesn’t sound quite right to use word like dry / sweet.
If you are new to MiCURA and just want to try one first, I would recommend “Crisp” because it is rather standard model.
But if you are really interested in Sake, I guarantee you will have so much fun brewing “Crisp” and “Mellow” at the same time and see(or taste) how they will grow differently!