MiCURAでは、いろんな搾り方を実験し、エントリーモデルであるMiCURA Kotohajime Ver1.1 では、鑑評会出品酒など高級酒に用いられる「袋吊り」を自家醸造向けにアレンジした搾り方を採用しました。
In home brewing, we take various means utilizing limited facility.
Especially in the pressing process, some creativity is required.
The middle part is called Nakadori(中取り).
This part has an excellent balance of aroma and flavor so the part is often chosen for contest Sake.
MiCURAの酒袋は、実際に高級酒の袋吊り(袋しぼり/雫取り/斗瓶とり/雫酒とも)に使われる素材を使った、home brewingサイズの特製品です。
It’s SHIBORI(pressing) at last!
Our Sake bag is made of the same material as that of used for fukuro-shibori of premium Sake and specially made in home brewing size.