MiCURA Kotohajime Ver 1.1では乾燥酵母を使用しているので、酵母の復水が必要です。
Prepare the yeast in the time between Mizu-koji and Kake-rice.
Since MiCURA Kotohajime Ver 1.1 adopts dried yeast, you need to activate the dried yeast with water before use.
Though I’m repeatedly saying “The temperature is important !” The temperature is really important especially in this process. Seriously.
酵母を水麹の入った容器に投入すると、10分もすれば発酵が始まり、二酸化炭素の泡がしゅわしゅわ〜♪と発生します (^^)
If you use the water out of the specific temperature zone, the yeast will die instead of coming back to life.
The yeast will be annihilated if you use the water at 32℉, for example.
Throwing in the yeast into the container with the mizu-koji, the fermentation will start in 10 minutes and generate carbon dioxide gas with fizzy sound♪
It’s really interesting and you might feel like watching it all day long…but be careful not to keep it at warm room temperature too long. The temperature changes easily.
MiCURA Kotohajime Ver 1.1では、現在泡なし酵母を採用していますが、プロトタイプでは、泡あり酵母を使ったキットも作成しました。ただ泡があふれてしまう、泡が溢れないよう大きめの容器に仕込むと冷蔵庫に入らない😵etc...とトラブル多かったため、いまのところは泡なし酵母のみです。
MiCURA Kotohajime Ver 1.1 is now adopting non-foaming yeast but we also made a kit with foaming yeast when we were working on the prototype.
However, since foaming yeast causes many trouble,…The foam overflows from the container, the container won’t fit in the refrigerator if we use a bigger container to prevent the foam from overflowing etc… We’re adopting only non-foaming yeast for our products so far.
But it’s also true that it’s interesting to observe the change of fermentation process from the transformation of the foam.
We hope to make the foaming-yeast version too, though we still need to do some experiments and find a way to deal with the foam like creating “泡笠(Awakasa/foam protector)” .